Week of Events
Compliance Assurance Monitoring (PERM204)
Course Description: Those completing this course will gain a basic understanding of the general information associated with compliance assurance monitoring. CAM concepts like background, 40 CFR part 64 (CAM) applicability, who will be affected by CAM, who is exempt from CAM, CAM timing, monitoring design criteria, frequency of monitoring, source, District & EPA roles in […]
Incinerators (TOXC222)
Incinerators (TOXC220): Course Description: This course will focus on the process, emission control equipment and inspection procedures of small to medium sized solid waste incinerators. The types of incinerators include biomedical, pathological, crematories and commercial heat stripping ovens. This course does not address municipal waste combustors, biomass or hazardous waste incinerators. There is an afternoon […]
Theory & Application of Common Air Pollution Control Devices (BASC107)
Course Description: This course will provide a detailed introduction to air pollution control equipment and methods used to control particulate and gaseous air emissions. The course will cover theory, operation, applications, design considerations, inspection strategies, compliance assurance monitoring and regulations for cyclones, baghouses, wet and dry scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators, carbon beds, bio filters, condensers, flares, […]