Introduction to Continuous Monitoring Systems (SRCE103)

Idaho DEQ 1410 N. Hilton Street, Boise, ID, United States

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Those completing this basic course will gain a basic understanding of the general information associated with continuous emission monitoring. Attendees will be able to perform regulatory reviews involving the following elements of Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEM) systems: Implementing Regulations Basic Theory and Operation System Components System Certification Requirements Inspection and Quality Assurance WESTAR’s […]

TSC/WG Co-Chairs Monthly Coordination Call

Monthly Coordination Call with WRAP Technical Steering Committee and WRAP Work Group Co-Chairs Agenda Work Group Updates 2022 Emissions Modeling Platform Information

Basic Inspector Training (NACT 350)

Montana DEQ - Metcalf Bldg 1520 East 6th Ave, Helena, MT, United States

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Those completing this course will have an understanding of the compliance assessment practices that are employed for evaluating air emission sources. The individual will gain an understanding of the following inspector tasks: Role of the field inspector Permit conditions compliance documentation and evidence gathering Complaints handling and other inspection investigations Inspection of air […]

EPA Air Sensors QA Workshop

Research Triangle Park, NC

Air Quality Dispersion Modeling

Maricopa County Air Quality Dept 301 W. Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ, United States

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This 2-day training course is not intended to produce modelers but rather to focus on atmospheric science principles, model options, and configurations, as well as pre- and post-processing steps that ultimately determine the outcome of the modeling study.  The course will develop a solid understanding of regulatory air dispersion modeling fundamentals combined with […]

Compliance Assurance Monitoring (PERM204)

Northern Nevada Public Health 1001 E. Ninth Street, Reno, NV, United States

Course Description: Those completing this course will gain a basic understanding of the general information associated with compliance assurance monitoring. CAM concepts like background, 40 CFR part 64 (CAM) applicability, who will be affected by CAM, who is exempt from CAM, CAM timing, monitoring design criteria, frequency of monitoring, source, District & EPA roles in […]

Incinerators (TOXC222)

Northern Nevada Public Health 1001 E. Ninth Street, Reno, NV, United States

Incinerators (TOXC220): Course Description: This course will focus on the process, emission control equipment and inspection procedures of small to medium sized solid waste incinerators. The types of incinerators include biomedical, pathological, crematories and commercial heat stripping ovens. This course does not address municipal waste combustors, biomass or hazardous waste incinerators. There is an afternoon […]

Theory & Application of Common Air Pollution Control Devices (BASC107)

Northern Nevada Public Health 1001 E. Ninth Street, Reno, NV, United States

Course Description: This course will provide a detailed introduction to air pollution control equipment and methods used to control particulate and gaseous air emissions. The course will cover theory, operation, applications, design considerations, inspection strategies, compliance assurance monitoring and regulations for cyclones, baghouses, wet and dry scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators, carbon beds, bio filters, condensers, flares, […]