WESTAR/WRAP Fall Business

WESTAR office 3 Caliente Road #3, Santa Fe, NM

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AAPCA Spring Business

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


WRAP Board Monthly Meeting

For March, our topical presentation will be given by Lisa Rector (NESCAUM), and Stef Johnson (EPA OAQPS) on wood stove testing and methods. See the agenda for more information. Agenda Call Materials

Event Series Intermediate Permitting (APTI 461)

Intermediate Permitting (APTI 461)

WESTAR’s Training Program will host this 4-day Intermediate Permitting training course for agency personnel who have, or will have, permitting responsibilities for major sources.  The objectives of the course are to provide with a high-level understanding of permitting elements, regulatory requirements, and policies pertaining to the major permitting programs, and provide attendees with the knowledge, […]

Principles of Environmental Compliance & Enforcement (NACT 335)

This intensive 3-day course provides a framework for designing effective compliance strategies and enforcement programs. The course defines the terms compliance and enforcement, introduces basic principles, and explores different approaches for implementing each element of the framework. Participants will be guided through the concepts and principles of environmental compliance and enforcement.  Participants, through a "case […]

Quality Assurance for Air Pollution Measurement Systems (APTI 470)

Those completing this course will gain an understanding of the information associated with the management of air quality monitoring systems required under the Clean Air Act and state and local regulations. Attendees will be able to apply the following topics in establishing a measurement system: Basic concepts of statistical control charts Regression analysis and control […]

TSC / WG Co-Chairs Monthly Coordination Call

WRAP Technical Steering Committee / Work Group Co-Chairs Monthly Coordination Call Agenda Spring Business Meeting Work Group Status Updates - Draft Presentation

EPA Residential Wood Heating Training Workshop

EPA Region 8 Office 1595 Wynkoop Street, Denver, Colorado

The 2023 EPA Residential Wood Heating Training Workshop will start at 1 pm on April 11 and will conclude at 5 pm April 13.  The location of the meeting is EPA Region 8 offices:  EPA Downtown Denver Office US EPA, Region 8 1595 Wynkoop Street Denver, CO 80202. Click here for additional information and to register for […]

WESTAR-WRAP Spring Business Meeting

The Duniway in Portland, Oregon 545 SW Taylor St, Portland, Oregon

The WESTAR/WRAP Spring 2023 business meeting and WRAP board meeting will be held at The Duniway, a Hilton Hotel beginning on the morning of Tuesday, April 25th at 10:30am and ending by 12pm on Thursday, April 27th.  Please mark your calendars and start making your plans to join us in Portland, Oregon! The WESTAR/WRAP Spring Business meeting will be conducted in compliance […]